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Internet auctions of timber

Ladies and gentlemen,

we would like to introduce the Forestry Information Company, JSC in Zvolen, which organizes internet auctions of wood – timber (the IAT) to you. It certainly did not escape your attention, how succeded the electronic auctions of raw wood organized by the Forests of the Slovak Republic, state enterprise Banska Bystrica.In an environment where the wood became scarce resource, the way opens for new methods of sale and purchase of raw wood. One of them is the IAT, which you can also participate in.The indisputable advantages of IAT include the maximum profit from harvested timber for forest management entities and their chance to enter global markets with wood from their own office and in their native language. On the other hand, wood processors are able to ensure input raw material in the required quantity, quality and reasonable time. IAT are designed for both suppliers as well as for timber purchasers.Forestry Information Company, JSC in Zvolen operates the Internet portal On this portal, suppliers such as associations of landowners, municipal forests, church forests, private forest managers and traders can declare auctions of timber.

 Processors and traders of timber, who would participate in the IAT buyers, will thus have the opportunity to buy enough wood raw material in the required assortment and quality.

Benefits of the Portal

o   no geographical limitations - sellers and buyers can attend auctions from anywhere,

o   form of bidding in real time,

o   concentration of supply and demand,

o   minimizing costs,

o   no suspicion of corruption and clientelism,

o   possibility of operating from the comfort of your office,

o   auctions advantage is that the price is through bidding determined by buyers themselves,

o   operation of the entire auction is very simple and easy to manage.

The advantages of online auctions in terms of the supplier:

o   transparent system of giving and evaluation offers,

o   predefined conditions and the starting price defined by you are substantial, sale at the highest possible market price ,

o   acceleration of the sales process (FIC JSC provides administrative support),

o   the result immediately after the auction.

The advantages of online auctions from the perspective of the customer:

o   acceleration and streamline the procurement process and a decrease in procurement costs,

o   unifying the procedures and automation of the procurement process,

o   the result immediately after the auction,

o   an equal chance for each participant,

o   timber in the required quality and quantity,

o   guarantee of supply,

o   possibility of simplifying the production planning and logistics.

Forestry Information Company, JSC, offers to those that are not equipped with computers mediation of engagement in internet auctions of timber. Portal works in several languages​​, which ensures the participation of a broad spectrum of candidates from neighbouring countries.Operating staff of the portal is during working hours on the helpline +42145/5320730, +42145/5320731, and always will be happy to help you with the entering your offer to the system. During the auction we will be available continuously until its completion.Documents detailing the participation of the IAT (handbook for working with the system, the auction rules, sample contracts, technical specifications, wood and assortments table) are published on the website in the part "Conditions". We believe that the offer to participate in online auctions of timber will be a challenge for you.

We look forward to working with you.

Forestry Information Company, JSC Zvolen

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